Monday, September 14, 2015

Ok, My Acer aspire SE1-115 DIED. BUT - I fortunately had my SIMS 3 files backed up! Whoot!

I am trying to fix it in Command Prompt.. Sigh... I would pay $70 to get it repaired so I can have bookmarks, music, photos, and whatnot... It just won't boot my OS. :[ I am going to buy a NEW Hp. Well, refurbished HP... Sighhh. Anyways, at least I can play, browse internets, use Skype, Fb, and all that Jazz on this one, my laptop HP.. The Acer Aspire was meant to REPLACE this one.. Ha-ha..Ha-ha...

Anyways, here's tonights play session. :] 

Jinxy-Poo realizing "Mandy" sim is a Vampire!

 Watching TV, LOL.

 Close up. So cute :3 D'aweee


(I lost this save, grr, but we didn't really do too much.. I had bought a chicken coop, Mandy painted and wrote a bit, and Aiden read a Logic book to get skills. Mostly played with Family Inventory, which I hadnt noticed before, and tried to move to a bigger house so Lady would have more room to train.. I feel the 2 are not a good match, Aiden gets bored and seems to ignore my girl Mandy. I think she deserves someone better! For instance, my other House, with Ember and Medina, they are ALWAYS getting moodelts around each other saying how attractive the other one is :D I have photos of them, too. They were living in the same exact house but I didnt realize it was different towns or whatever, I thought the game was gonna overwrite! But as said, Mandy and Aiden and co didnt do to much...Besides Lady training her little patootie off running & jumping!)