Monday, December 14, 2020


Pounce meets Ed. Sigh I wish I could just change Ed's gender. Pounce is supposed to be male, too. WELP.

We bought a Cockatoo and cage (Buy Mode)

Attract Wild Life with this Gnome... (: (Buy Mode)

Erik & the Cockatoo

Teaching the bird how to talk....


Sally & Erik pt 2...after the {WIP}


Ed training for Racing Competition..


Sally stopped the Ice Cream truck...and is enjoying a treat.

Then we move to a different house..

Erik tending to the plants, he has the "green thumb" trait... Ed in her stall.. Whoops we thought we had a stallion, not a mare. Oh well... She'll still be Ed. Beautiful horse. Was random. All these Sims were random. I wasn't feeling like taking an hour in the Sim creation part of the game.

We got that bed for buying the Expansion pack.. That is Pounce sleeping..and Antonio the Goldfish. This game is weird. We tried looking for a male cat and a male horse, but no luck.

Hyundai Laptop, 2 Horses, 1 Cat, and a Couple...Sally & Erik


In order left to right: Ed, Erik Sally and Pounce....

Sally & Ed and the portal into the future!!!

                                                           Erik & Ed

Our car...

They like each other (:

Getting into Horse Racing --