Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Meeker Investigates Strange Sim

He tried to "Mark" Ember, but I'm not really sure what happened. I didn't see any plus or minuses to the relationship.

Meeker discovers Ember is a vampire...This made me laugh!

Weird, it was the first time Meeker went upstairs, and it was to see Ember, awe, but Em is the only one who feeds him, and Edwin pays him a bit of attention, too, but the two ladies don't really. The house is not really all that furnished yet....Maybe that's why he doesn't come up.

A good cemetery shot. With Medina.

Medina had an accident.....

(the details, right top corner)


He painted the entire canvas blue...Ooook.

Ember really got tired of Edwin's crap.

Edwin was so scared, he fainted twice!

Ember, the moth man.

Day 3 - A confused Fraps

Ember got an opportunity to play for the school, and he made $645 dollars.

I've been using 'motives' (needs) cheats, to keep things going a bit faster, but haven't used ANY money cheats, besides "freerealestate" when I was settling the 4 person and 1 cat household into a house. I hate the cramped houses and wanted something nice for everyone. Not sure how to get a Faerie house for Medina. But we can't afford that atm, anyway.

Medina and Ember were getting along, Fraps had stopped working, I accidentally set the same key for screenshots as another mechanism, and wasn't able to record that, unfortunately, but she told him a Faerie Tale and he enjoyed it. The bubbles above her head were adorable. Maaaan. Upset I don't have a screen shot of that interaction, it was pretty cute. Could Medina be Ember's love interest? Haha Deadsy's song is on, just now, singing: "A morbid beauty.." Hmm?

I changed Fraps screenshot capturing from F10 because F10 makes the Sim Panel at the bottom go away, but the screenshot will still capture the Panel there, so I was taking multiple shots, trying to figure which I liked the best. Learned the code to make a video capture F9, though, so that will be something upcoming for the blog.

I'm a bit tired, actually, I got woken up twice tonight after taking some sleeping pills. So I'm not really alert but feeling sort of better, I guess. :/

Was teaching Medina recipes via the book store, and she learned to make cookies. She has an opportunity to make some money with the restaurant by bringing a dish, and I had a feeling her cookies would win. -Naturally- she burned the cookies, at Skill Level 4. v-v So we have to try again.

Ember drinking his Plasma Orange Juice, Edwin and Meredith on the couch. (Once I fixed Fraps)

LOLOLOL the burned cookies are on the counter!!!! In the background.

Grr, my game lags a bit once I minimize it, do something else for an interval, and return and having issues with the screen scrolling when the mouse is on the edge of the screen in windowed mode, so I may or may not have to start it back up. I tried to take many screen shots tonight, but Fraps malfunctioned, for some reason or another..

However, we got this one captured with the bad Frap setting:

Meredith getting her fortune told (and getting a job.) The Gypsy area is so cute, huh?

Nothing really important happened, or out of the ordinary, just wanted the Faerie Tale interaction .. Grr, learning to use this thing, hah. Fraps and the Sims3 itself!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My Cousin Posted This.....What Serial Killer Are You? - Playbuzz


You are Hannibal Lecter, a highly sophisticated individual with first class taste and the will power to get whatever you want. You are hungry for life and thirsty for power, as you travel the globe seeking out your next victims. Your greatest indulgence comes in the form of cannibalism. You fall in love with people, allowing them to consume you... until you consume them. Although you are a savage criminal, you are a sensitive soul who appreciates beauty and you would share your knowledge in order to help others seek justice.

Take it here:

You got that right! Sophisticated, first class taste, and the will power. Yes I do fall in love with people........Consuming them, though? Lol. And I am sensitive, and I do appreciate beauty. Awwe, GooGoo Dolls "Black Balloon" Just came on :) 

Murphy & Miguel And The Clydesdale ....Also Deciding The Future For My Sims

Murphy contemplating the new pool, Miguel improving his Logic skill for work, and the Clydesdale mare enjoying the paddock. Just found this. I don't even know how I fixed my game. It was done on little sleep. (I FREAKING HATE THE GRIDS ON THE GAME)

Yeeeah, it's all "working" together, but there's a MESS of files in my Documents folder, from Origin and Electronic Arts, and yeahhh, I did just empty my recycle bin and got 3GB back, but getting concerned. It seemed like sooo much memory when I was looking at this computer online.

This was from the session before last, which was photographed below. Here's another of the mare. I love this horse. That will SOON BE HER paddock!

There she is ... sleeping standing up? Ha. I didn't know horses did that.

Aaand I just realized there's Murphy, Miguel, Medina, Meredith, and Ember and Edwin. Wow. I don't know. I'm weird like that. Onomatopoeia. 

 I made another house of some Goth chick, which was in the Pre-Made Sims, and so was her dog. A bit annoying I haven't found much of a feature to edit the animals tails, it wasn't much of a choice for the dogs. Curly tail, no tail, or laying down tail. Cats,no tail or tail. But I straightened out the human womans traits to something less offensive. I didn't realize she was a teenager though, so I had to RE-DO her freaking outfits..Sigh. I am sure you will be seeing her soon. She was made for the Ember I have in Appaloosa Plains and my Meredith in Moonlight Falls was for Ember, (There's 2 Embers, he was my first Sim for Sims3, and I didn't know about the "Long Distance" move, in which you use the computer or phone. I thought about killing one and having the other haunt him. Or maybe it could be like a parallel dimension. I dunno. One's a vampire and one's a human.) Anyways, Ember and Meredith.... He smacked her?! I don't think I condone that relationship, no way jose. Maybe I'll make another female for him, in hopes that they can get along. I have yet to play a family in Sims3, looking forward to that.

I think I'm going to try to turn Edwin into a werewolf, this ghost thing is -kinda- getting on my nerves. He kinda just does his own thing, plays with Meeker, and stays out of Ember's way. Don't go all Edward on me Ember, abusing women...Edwin's already gone past that...Meredith was still nice and did a "good luck spell" for Em, but HEYYY maybe I could move the Goth chick and her dog into the neighborhood.... :/ ? Eventually.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Sims3 & Pets Ep Bundle and Supernatural WORKING GREAT!

Wish I had known about the "long distance" move, so I wouldn't have 2 of the same Sim, wandering around. I'll think more on how to fix that later, I guess.

Here's some proof things are going fine:

Full moon brought a zombie...Still not sure how to interact with them.

Two vampires meeting, the club is always empty, but I do like going here! Was a pretty fruitless night, got growled at by a Werewolf woman, and got threatened...Hmm no friends that night, but met Bonehilda!

Edwin, our mean ghost, playable, wished to visit on the full moon. He won a book from playing in the catacombs.

Meredith giving Ember good luck with her Witchly Powers.

Rare moment of the girls of the house studying. I've found Ember & Edwin to be a bit abusive to them! Edwin wanted to beat up Meredith, and keeps scaring both the females, and Ember kept trying to "Lunatic Embrace" everyone but Meredith, whom he slapped! Wow! He then told he wished to know her better "because they had so much in common." Koo-Koo, I did give Ember the insanity trait, but, I am thinking of trying to change it to something else!

Damn Faerie Zombie, attacking my apple tree. I had totally forgotten about the tree I planted the other night. You just click on the fruit in the inventory and it lets you plant! I didn't know that, lol.

I've never been into gardening very much in any of the Sim games.

 Haha remember Harvest Tank from the other older titles?  I miss having a big tank like that in the house, tbh!

Well, I heard you can get a gate for your gardens. DEFINATELY going to try that next time! Poor Apple Tree, you were so young. I discovered this by hearing demented sounds of devouring and chewing!

 I'm trying not to use money cheats and use opportunities to get cash and get them jobs. Think that would give my game a longer lifespan of being interesting!

Aaaaand some of "Meeker" our Meezer (Siamese) Sleeping on the counter, dreaming of Sushi and Butterflies!

Gah, Steam/Origin Conversion Problems, AND Finding out that Valve & EA Are Fighting It Out

My spirit friend likes to hang out with me while I play Sims. He gives tips for decorating, and traits, and so on. Bit O' Help here & There.

My base game, which came with an EP (Pets) was a bundle, and I bought that from Steam. I got an email about games on Origin, and after watching videos, (Got pretty enthralled with that) and reading about the EP, I made the purchase. I saved $10, which will surely add up when I acquire more EPs. I said I want Generations, Late Night & Seasons. Possibly the Travel one. I don't remember the name right now.

I didn't uninstall Steams version of Sims3 first. Which you were sposed to. But I REALLY REALLY didnt want to lose my Sims, aghhh...Scawy!

 I loaded up the game, and they seemingly were working together, and found my saves, and Sims there, but noticed my Store Content wasn't showing up. Frustrating. I wondered if I cared. Or if it was because I had the game started up when I installed the content. But realized that wasn't true, because I knew from playing the "bundle" that they items appeared instanteously into the game, once purchased. (Some are free!) You can get "Riverview" for free, and a few other things. It's been recommended -not- to use the Exchange..

Anyways, we put our heads together to try to figure out how to get MY SIMS & SAVES into the game, once uninstalling Steams version. I think it will work, but I have yet to try out Supernatural.

I played Sims3 with Pets Ep for awhile, with my saved Sims fortunately appearing there, but Moonlight Falls (Supernatural Town) wasn't loading, and it said the Ep wasn't installed, (which I was just checking to see if it worked and what would happen) and this was really cute. It also said my Store Content wasnt installed (actually something like the objects werent available, and had been replaced)

Cute, a Clydesdale with Hearts over her head. I want to Add Her To My Family. I love her. What kinda sucks about The Sims Pets is that the pets require a lot of care, and all of that, and can get lonely. They also kinda fail at taking care of themselves, more than the Sims people.

My Sims House

We got the blacklights turned on, love the look! 

That's my RP characters Murphy and Miguel. Thinking about finding them a GF each, and having Miguel start a family,  and also making transforming Miguel into a werewolf, and Murphy into a vampire! Murphy was instantaneously attracted to "Kim", a sim already in the game, and I APPROVE, but unfortunately, the save messed up from that playing, not this last recent one. I guess it will be Murphy and Miguel's little secret that they like to sleep in the bed next to each other, LOL. They have their own freaking rooms and go to bed in the same bed! OOOOK, gay boys.

PS. I played Sims 1, Sims 2, Sims for PS2 (Pets version and Sims version) and now playing Sims 3! A lot of people seem to be saying that Sims 3 is better!

My friend John

called me a nerd for going on about my PS and my Sims, but...he can't really talk, he has almost all consoles, ever. v_v

I think I'm pretty damn good loking for "a nerd!" Besides, being a nerd is a good thing! Anyways, I think I am going to try to figure out how to play Supernatural some more.... I want to learn how to set Zombies on fire! That would be AWESOME. (I really fuckin' hate zombies ... and really truthfully, its because I wonder if there's any truth to the myth!)

An Older (Appaloosa Plains/Pets EP) Version of Ember, and his stallion El Muerto!

Just got Supernatural today, and it was WORTH IT. I do not regret either EP. I plan to buy Generations & Late Night, and I also want Seasons. I want Generations really bad, 'cause I want to make an Imaginary Friend (boy) grow up with a female and have them in a deep relationship that leads to children... I heard the kids can turn out to have a doll form too!
These games better be affordable for a few months *Prays* Now I dont even care if it runs on Steam (gaming app) because you can make screen shots with FRAPS!
For freeware for screenshots, though there is a paid version.

My objects from Sims Store Are not showing up in my game..Hopefully that's because I was running the Launcher while I was "in game." :O Oooh nooooes. That can be fixed, though, I'm sure.

We just moved in, and set the house on fire the very first night!

I have Sims3, with 2 EPs, Supernatural & Pets.

Meredith, standing in the ashes.... o_O

Later, Ember being a typical guy!..Lol..Watching Medina and Meredith cook!