Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My Cousin Posted This.....What Serial Killer Are You? - Playbuzz


You are Hannibal Lecter, a highly sophisticated individual with first class taste and the will power to get whatever you want. You are hungry for life and thirsty for power, as you travel the globe seeking out your next victims. Your greatest indulgence comes in the form of cannibalism. You fall in love with people, allowing them to consume you... until you consume them. Although you are a savage criminal, you are a sensitive soul who appreciates beauty and you would share your knowledge in order to help others seek justice.

Take it here:

You got that right! Sophisticated, first class taste, and the will power. Yes I do fall in love with people........Consuming them, though? Lol. And I am sensitive, and I do appreciate beauty. Awwe, GooGoo Dolls "Black Balloon" Just came on :) 

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