Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Meeker Investigates Strange Sim

He tried to "Mark" Ember, but I'm not really sure what happened. I didn't see any plus or minuses to the relationship.

Meeker discovers Ember is a vampire...This made me laugh!

Weird, it was the first time Meeker went upstairs, and it was to see Ember, awe, but Em is the only one who feeds him, and Edwin pays him a bit of attention, too, but the two ladies don't really. The house is not really all that furnished yet....Maybe that's why he doesn't come up.

A good cemetery shot. With Medina.

Medina had an accident.....

(the details, right top corner)


He painted the entire canvas blue...Ooook.

Ember really got tired of Edwin's crap.

Edwin was so scared, he fainted twice!

Ember, the moth man.

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